Flowers on the altar are given by Val and Mike Shupe who are celebrating their birthdays this week with gratitude.
Our Sunday Schedule Changes Next Sunday, June 25
We will move to our summer schedule beginning next Sunday, June 25 with one service at 9:30 am and Coffee Hour at 10:30 am. For those of you watching remotely, we will live-stream and record the 9:30 service, so you can watch it as it is happening at 9:30 or later at your convenience by accessing the recording on the church website. We will return to two services on Rally Day, September 10.
During the summer when we offer one service (beginning June 25), the nursery will not be staffed by our childcare workers. Children are always welcome in the service. The nursery will be open, and parents are invited to stay there with their child aged 5 and younger during the service if they wish. Audio of the service is available in the nursery.
All donations will go towards our trip to Youth 2023
Summertime Stewardship
It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through our year! There has been so much activity and hard work–by so many faithful servants at Aldersgate! As summer approaches please be sure to keep your church family in mind with your prayers and your pledges.
Please feel free to bring your 2023 pledged offerings when you join us on Sundays this summer at 9:30 a.m. You can also send them by mail or electronic bill-pay. Thank you for your faithful stewardship!
Highlights of the New England UMC Annual Conference
The New England Annual Conference consists of the clergy and laity of the ~ 550 Methodist churches in New England and meeting for three days once a year to conduct Conference-wide business, led by our bishop, Bishop Peggy Johnson. This year’s Annual Conference was June 8 – 10 in Manchester, NH. Aldersgate was represented by Pastors Bob and Maylis, Bonnie Marden, Sofia R as a youth representative, and Cheryl Ortolf and Peter Smyton as laity reps. The theme this year was “Draw the Circle Wider Still . . .”
We want to share a few of the highlights from the Conference. Statistics about the Methodist churches in New England were presented and show a shrinking number of churches and attendance, though the level of participation in missional work and financial giving remained strong. We were struck by the fact that only 4% of the churches have an average weekly attendance greater than 75 people. Aldersgate is blessed to be very healthy church compared to many. The attendees endorsed the Strategic Vision Forward team’s plan to address the declining church membership by seeking ways to expand the use of churches’ buildings and to share resources – people, property, and finances – across small churches. We sadly agreed for 14 churches’ request to disaffiliate from the denomination due to the NE Conference’s response to the denomination’s doctrine regarding human sexuality. That doctrine prohibits having openly gay pastors or for Methodist pastors to officiate same sex weddings. Twelve churches disagree with the NE Conference’s willingness to not follow the doctrine, and two churches felt the Conference was not doing enough to defy the doctrine. These churches were across all 6 New England states. There were several actions taken addressing social justice issues, such as land reparations to indigenous people in the region, better financial support to historically Black churches, and increasing training of pastors on intersectionality issues.
The two biggest highlights for Aldersgate were:
The ordination of Maylis as a full Deacon. Her family and over 25 members of our church family were there in person to celebrate, as well as numerous congregants watching on-line, and we were able to embarrass her by making the loudest noise of any group cheering the ordinands
The appointments of the pastors for the church year beginning July 1 were announced. We are thrilled to announce that Pastor Bob has been re-appointed to Aldersgate for another year!!!
We are truly blessed to be led by two very special members of the Methodist clergy!
Faire Workshops
Carmen Umana will hold workshops for wreath decorations (picks) and bow-making from 10am to 6pm on July 3, July 5, July 18, July 20, July 25 and July 28. No experience needed, come have fun in this creative activity to prepare for the famous AUMC wreaths and swags! Please contact her to let her know who can join her! 978-376-9376 or
AUGUST 14th – 18th from 9 - noon
Our theme for VBS this summer is “Under Construction”. We will learn about Habitat for Humanity and the way God helps us to Share, Care, Learn, Worship, and Celebrate!
Registration forms are on the welcome desk and the welcome table in the Church School area.