Announcements 4/14/2024
Our Vision—A beacon of God’s love radiating faith, hope, and joy… Everywhere!
The Flowers on the Altar are given as a Happy Birthday to Our Mom, Grandma and Gigi, Liz Foster. We love you and you inspire us every day to read, explore the world, and do crosswords. Love, Dye and Parsons Family
Green Sunday Celebration
April 20 (Saturday) 5:30 pm Dinner with Earth Day Movie Discussion.
Join us for potluck dinner. We will show you some clips from the documentary “A Plastic Ocean” and invite you to a discussion. Our conversation will be fun, informative, and visionary. If you can, please watch the documentary in advance. You can get the DVD from the public library, or watch through streaming services such as Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play Movies & TV or Apple TV. Betsey Driscoll will have a sign-up sheet on Sunday for people to share what they’re planning to bring. People can bring whatever they like and they’re not required to sign up, but this may help with variety and ideas.
April 21 (Sunday) 9:30 am Green Sunday Activities
We invite you to join us for worship services and some other activities in celebration of Green Sunday on April 21. We will be joined by Rev. Dr. Larry Jay, the director of Rolling Ridge, who will preach his sermon. There will be activities for children and youth at 9:30 am and during coffee hour we’re aiming for a zero-waste fellowship hour! We want to avoid any single-use plastic items. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own travel mug, coffee mug, or reusable water bottle. (Don’t worry, we’ll have real coffee cups in case you forget.)
At 2:00 pm, Blessing of Animals
We will have a Blessing of Animals at the back parking lot. We invite you to come and join us with your beloved pets and share these events with your neighbors.
From Bishop Peggy Johnson
The United Methodist Church will be holding its quadrennial General Conference from April 23 to May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina.
General Conference is the body that makes decisions on behalf of the denomination and updates the Book of Discipline.
You are invited to join our prayer vigil for the General Conference. We need folks to sign up for ½ hour slots from 8 am to 6 pm each day from Tuesday, April 23, through Friday, May 3, 2024. Your prayers are appreciated any time, even if that slot is not available. You can go to you can sign up for prayer times.
March April Upper Room are out on the Welcome Desk
Reminder to schedule your appointment for the Blood Drive – April 20th from 9am-2pm
Please sign up if you can help this important cause. There continues to be a national shortage! Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and search under April 20th to schedule an appointment.
For more information call or email Cate Lehan or Robin Dye or the church office.
Aldersgate Scholarship to Middlesex Community College at $20,000
We are pleased to share that a portion of the Endowment Fund income earned in 2023 is being used to increase the Aldersgate scholarship at Middlesex Community College (MCC) to the $20,000 level needed for the award to be given in perpetuity! The scholarship’s purpose is to provide a $1000 award each year to a BIPOC – black, indigenous, or person of color – recipient to further their education. Representatives from MCC attended last week’s worship to receive and celebrate this gift with us. MCC is currently seeking people to review student applications for their scholarships to be awarded this fall. Dawn Jones was a reviewer last year and will be again this year. If you are interested or have questions, please see Dawn or Peter Smyton by April 19.
Children and Youth Singing and Chime Time Schedule
This spring, we will be meeting on the following days:
Ice Cream and Sully’s – Monday, April 15th at 2:00 p.m. – Families are welcome to join us at Sully’s for ice cream and fellowship.
Tuesdays, May 7th & 14th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. We will have supper together and then practice chimes.
“One – Unity in a Divided World”
YOU are invited to our ALL Church Study of One – Unity in a Divided World by Deidre Riggs beginning this month! There are several small group opportunities to participate, including:
- Sunday at 9:45 am in the Concord Room and via Zoom, led by members of the Adult Ed committee. No need to sign up. Come one, come all! The first lesson (Chapters 1&2) starts today.
- Early Bird on Tuesdays at 10:00 am via Zoom, led by Charles McCrea. Zoom link in Friday email or contact Charles. (This Tuesday, April 16, Early Bird continues the discussion of “ONE”. This week we will reflect on the questions at the end of the introduction and delve into chapter one. Join in as we examine ‘unity in a divided world.’ Early Bird meets on Tuesday at ten o’clock via Zoom.
- Tuesdays at 7:00 pm led by Kim and Dan Ward and Dawn and David Jones at the Wards’. Sign up in the lobby or contact the hosts. We start lesson one (Chapters 1&2) April 16th.
- Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Concord Room and via Zoom, led by Pastor Bob. No need to sign up. Come one, come all! The second lesson (Chapters 3&4) is April 18.
- Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Concord Room and via Zoom, led by Peter Smyton. Sign up in the lobby or contact Peter. This Thursday’s class, April 18, will cover the second lesson (Chapters 3&4).
Even if the group with your preferred time has already started, it is not too late. You are always welcome! And you can switch between groups over time to better fit your schedule. For more information, please refer to the flyer in the welcome area and the April Advocate. Books are available online or in the lobby for a suggested donation of $10. It’s not too late to lead a group. To volunteer or if you have questions, contact Kim (
Drivers Wanted!
We are compiling a list of people willing to drive people to church services that are unable to get to Aldersgate otherwise. If you are willing to be on such a list, please let Betsy in the office know. We will match you with people who are “on your way.” If we have enough volunteers, it would not be an “every week” commitment. Won’t you help us bring the unchurched into the fold?
Christmas Faire Jewelry
It’s not too early to start thinking about the Christmas Faire. While you’re sorting through your belongings for the fabulous Aldersgate Rummage Sale, take a look through your jewelry too. When the jewelry team has more time to evaluate our merchandise, we can sort and price more carefully. Marcia Dana and her crew will happily accept your donations of beautiful jewelry throughout the month of May. We’re trying to upgrade our inventory so please consider those items that are quite nice but you never wear. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration.
Rummage Sale – Save the Date May 3rd and 4th
The beloved and famous rummage sale is back. Mark your calendars for May 3rd and May 4th. Sign-up sheets will be in the foyer. We welcome your donated treasures but please no large furniture, electronics, or exercise equipment. Blessings, Outreach. Donations can be dropped off starting Sunday April 28
Save the Date - Saturday April 27th – 8:00am – 10:00am Men’s Breakfast in Fellowship Hall You won't want to miss this one!
Confirmation Class
Please keep the following students and their mentors in your prayers during their confirmation journey:
Sarah Antonitis – David Driscoll, Kate Cruickshank – Betsey Driscoll,
Finn Hughes –Dan Ward, Gabriel Rodriguez – Lee Pender.
May 5th Service
On May 5th, Veejay will be preaching and leading the whole service. Pastor Bob will be here to serve communion.
A beloved Grandson’s deployment has been extended to 12+ months. You can help support him and his colleagues while they are away from home by purchasing any of the items below and mailing them directly (address by request) or leave them in the box and Kim and Dan Ward will ship them. This box will remain in the lobby or hallway until the Lieutenant has returned home! Check the list regularly as it will change based on current needs. Thanks for your help and remember to pray for the safety of these men and women far from home.
Items requested:
Protein bars (#1 most requested item) and Energy Drinks
Dried fruit: mango strips and blueberries are some favorites
Fruit cups
Goldfish crackers and similar
Microwave popcorn, Kettle corn flavor especially
Powdered Coffee creamer
Gummy worms and similar
Oatmeal packets and disposable coffee cups to prepare it in
Flavored coffee- Caribou Coffee, New England French Vanilla, Dunkin Donuts
Travel-size toiletries are also very helpful (bar soap, deodorant, floss, shampoo, razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene supplies)
Cards, notes, drawings, or other encouraging surprises are also welcome and help bring a bright spot to very repetitive days. It’s Spring- why not make some flowers, butterflies, or birds to cheer up their bunks?