We offer free childcare by professional childcare providers, following our Safe Sanctuary policy in our nursery. Supervised care is offered for infants through age 5.
Childcare is available from 8:15 am to 12:15 pm during our regular Sunday services and between services during Adult Sunday School.
The nursery is located downstairs from the main sanctuary
9:00 A.M. – NOON AGES 4 - 12
Summer is just around the corner, and here at Aldersgate U.M.C. we’re planning an exciting Vacation Bible School experience! Sign up today for ReNew: The Green VBS!
ReNew Vacation Bible School invites children to learn about Jesus, help build our community, and grow as they become stewards of God’s creation.
At ReNew: The Green VBS children will:
- Explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower
- Learn about God’s creation and what we can do to care for it
- Meet members of our community who are stewards of the environment
- Make new friends and have a great time!
Registration is going on now. The cost for participating is $20.00 per child and a family max of $60.00. Please make check out to Aldersgate U.M.C., write VBS on check and mail to 242 Boston Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824. There are scholarships available if needed.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out for a day, or for the week. Please email Cheryl Ortolf at if you would like to volunteer.
Sunday School for Children
The Pre/Kindergarten – 2nd grade class is using “Celebrate Wonder”. Watching this curriculum video, a child host engages children through storytelling, life application, and exploration of a faith word. They also have craft time.
The 3rd–5th grade class is also using “Celebrate Wonder” following the lectionary-based curriculum. Each week, the class reads a bible lesson together, with children volunteering to read select verses in the story. We watch a video narrated by a teenager, speaking to the lesson through a young person’s perspective and challenging the class to wonder with them about the deeper Bible meaning. We also do a weekly Bible oriented activity, sometimes arts and sometimes games related to the Bible story, but always reinforcing the lesson through interaction.
Our church adapted a Safe Sanctuary Policy for the well being and safety of our children and youth. The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of our children and youth. Please review this policy with your family. We also CORI check our teachers.
This new all age program combines supper, a singing program for children and youth and a study time for adults. We meet 2 times a month from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Please check our church calendar page for upcoming dates for this program.
In March we celebrate Camp Sunday and distribute information packets on all the United Methodist Church camp opportunities in the New England region. Aldersgate Scholarships are provided to help defray the cost of children and youth that attend. The Conference Church Camps are located at:
- • Camp Aldersgate in North Scituate, RI
- • Camp Wanakee in Meredith, NH
- • Camp Mechuwana in Winthrop, ME
Our church school supports our church’s mission projects in various ways throughout the year. This way our children will have a better understanding as to what our church does to help people in the community and throughout the world. Our two big projects are Thanksgiving Baskets and our Advent Mission Focus.
Throughout the year the Church School also participates in various Service projects such as making Valentines and cards to people home-bound or those in need.
For more information on any of these programs, contact the Christian Education Director at