Nicaragua Covenant

Nicaragua Covenant

The Nicaragua Covenant, born from a promise between churches in Nicaragua and New England over 30 years ago, continues to support programs of compassion, justice, and mercy with the overarching goal to enhances the lives of our sisters and brothers in Nicaragua. 

Together with Pastor Santos Boza, Aldersgate has invested in the people of Nicaragua, his church in Sierra Maestro and the First Church of Christ (Primera Iglesias de Christo) school. Other churches of the New England Conference also participate by sistering with other Nicaraguan churches and groups. 

John 3:8

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”


They started the school because the holy spirit spoke to them. They didn’t know where the resources would come from. Pastor Don Holt was sent by the spirit to help them. Pastor Gary Shaw was moved to continue the relationship by the Spirit. They thought maybe the relationship would falter but Rev. Sharon Jones and others at Aldersgate were also moved by the spirit to continue the relationship and support. The spirit still moves the members of Aldersgate to help, and they are grateful for this.

The policy of the school is to admit one student from any family that has three or more children at no charge. Our support is makes this possible.