Our Mission
The mission of the Outreach ministry at Aldersgate is to express the love of Christ to our neighbors by providing physical and spiritual help to those in need. Toward this goal, we are involved in several local, national and international ministries. In the local community, we participate and support St. Paul’s feeding ministry, my father’s house, various food pantries, holiday gifts to those in need, the Paul Center, Lincoln School, and Habitat for Humanity. At the national and international level, we support several ministries including Methodist camps, UMCOR relief, World AIDS, and our Nicaragua covenant.
Outreach is supported by the church pledges and raises money to go above and beyond to help in many mission areas. We raise monies for extra mission projects by running two rummage sales during the year and, we have started a program called change for change. This program works by collecting all change put in the offering plate and designating this to mission areas in need. We have supported The Paul Center in Chelmsford, Methodist Camps and scholarships, prison ministries by a memorial donation made in Jim Wetherall’s name, pastor’s discretionary fund for parishioners in need, Children Without Shoes International, Global Aids Fund, Lowell Wish Project, St. Paul’s Feeding Ministry, The Open Pantry in Lowell. This change for change program only running for two years now has been able to give away over $3,000 in change collected. What a difference a little clinking in the offering plate can make……
Aldersgate Reaches Out - Special Projects
The offering received at this year’s Ash Wednesday service will be donated to the Lura Smith Scholarship fund at Middlesex Community College. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist African-American or African student(s) pursuing associate degrees at Middlesex Community College

Rev. Vinajeras. Argentinian congregation.
Money raised at our Chili Fundraiser is being used to support a church in Argentina. They have purchased bibles and are repairing a window.
Our advent conspiracy donations this year went to Dig Deep, a human rights non-profit working to ensure that every American has clean, running water forever. While most Americans take running water completely for granted, millions of our neighbors struggle to get enough clean water to survive.
For more information visit https://www.digdeep.org/