Announcements July 2, 2023

Today’s altar flowers are given by Tara & Peter Boettcher in remembrance of those who have served and sacrificed for our country

Our Summer Sunday Worship Schedule

Our summer Sunday Worship schedule is one service at 9:30 am and Coffee Hour at 10:30 am.  For those of you watching remotely, we will live-stream and record the 9:30 service, so you can watch it as it is happening at 9:30 or later at your convenience by accessing the recording on the church website.  We will return to two services on Rally Day, September 10. 

During the summer when we offer one service, the nursery will not be staffed by our childcare workers.  Children are always welcome in the service.  The nursery will be open, and parents are invited to stay there with their child aged 5 and younger during the service if they wish.  Audio of the service is available in the nursery. 

Visit the Aldersgate Booth at the Chelmsford July 4 Country Fair

Come visit Aldersgate booth during this year’s Chelmsford’s July 4 Country Fair!  We will be selling our famous chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches – regular and vegan – along with drinks.  Corn hole will be available for the kids, and everyone wins a prize!  Hours are Monday July 3, 5:00 – 9:00 pm and Tuesday July 4, 8:00 – 1:00.  Come to celebrate the holiday, enjoy some fellowship, and support the church!  Proceeds support the youth mission trip to Youth 2023 later in July.

Clean Sweep

Please see the signup sheet in the welcome area and consider signing up for a job or two helping to spruce up the church this summer.  The jobs can be done on your time!  If you don’t have a key, ask Betsy in the office to make arrangements to borrow one or when to come.  Thank you!   Samples of the tasks this year include cleaning pew cushions, weeding around the church building, and cleaning windows.

Outreach – Request for Help

The Wish Project has empty bins on their shelves for children’s clothes. We will have a box in the lobby to fill and deliver to them. If you can help let’s fill the box with clothes from toddler to elementary school age. Blessings and many thanks in advance, Outreach. Jane Vooys will deliver them for us. Thanks, Jane for bringing this to us!

Faire Workshops

Carmen Umana will hold workshops for wreath decorations (picks) and bow-making from 10am to 6pm on July 3, July 5, July 18, July 20, July 25 and July 28.
No experience needed, come have fun in this creative activity to prepare for the famous AUMC wreaths and swags!
Please contact her to let her know who can join her!

Lobby Window book display

The books in the lobby windows are available for you to borrow and return at your leisure. You will find books on prayer, books that discuss Christian LGBTQ+ folks and books on creating deeper community. We welcome you to spend some time this summer expanding your faith and understanding of God’s church.

The Art Wall

The art on the lobby wall is provided by our fellow members of the Congregation! Joining the original piece from Charlotte Bair, the photography is from Val Shupe and the oil pastel was done by Sara Williams. We’d love to see what you love! Contact Betsy in the office to get on the schedule. We can even help you hang and display. 

Summertime Stewardship

It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through our year! There has been so much activity and hard work–by so many faithful servants at Aldersgate! As summer approaches please be sure to keep your church family in mind with your prayers and your pledges.

Please feel free to bring your 2023 pledged offerings when you join us on Sundays this summer at 9:30 a.m. You can also send them by mail or electronic bill-pay. Thank you for your faithful stewardship!

Youth 2023 Meeting

All youth and adults attending Youth 2023 are invited to join us on Sunday, July 9th at 10:30 a.m. in the Concord Room. Parents are also encouraged to attend.  We will go over the details of the trip.  Please let Cheryl know if you cannot attend this meeting so she can pass on the information to you at  

Vacation Bible School Meeting

Anyone interested in helping with Vacation Bible School this summer is invited to join us on Sunday, July 16th at 10:30 a.m. in the Concord Room.  We will be using a Habitat for Humanity based curriculum.  Youth are also welcome to help!  Please contact Cheryl if you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting but would like to help at

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! FOR CHILDREN AGES 4 - 12 AUGUST 14th – 18th from 9 - noon

Our theme for VBS this summer is “Under Construction”. We will learn about Habitat for Humanity and the way God helps us to Share, Care, Learn, Worship, and Celebrate! 

Registration forms are on the welcome desk and the welcome table in the Church School area.


2023 Flower Chart

We have some empty spots on the flower chart.   August 6th, 13th, and 20th, are still available.

Please call (978-256-9400) or email to reserve your dates to honor a loved one or celebrate an occasion by providing the flowers for our worship. Please include the dedication you would like printed in the announcements and then we ask that you drop off or mail your check for $40 to cover the cost. Please mark the check for Flowers.  After the service you can take them home. Please also bring back the vases to be returned to the Florist.