Our Wednesday evening in-person soup suppers and worship, led by one of our church family members, starts this Wednesday, March 1. The supper will be held at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the ~ 30 minute service in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm. If you want to help provide soup for one or more weeks, please contact Betsey Driscoll (betseylll@yahoo.com). The worship theme this year is “Forgiveness.” Suzanne Hevelone will lead us in worship this coming Wednesday. In future weeks you will hear from Dan Ward, Jim Ortolf, and Charles McCrea. There is still one more person needed for the 22nd of March. If you are interested in offering a worship reflections, there is still room for you! Please contact Pastor Bob or the church office. Pastor Bob has Bible stories and other resources available to help you prepare. The service will be live-streamed and recorded.
Have You Picked Up Your 2023 Offering Envelopes?
The 2023 offering envelopes have arrived! Please pick yours up in the welcome area, or contact Betsy in the office (978-256-9400 or aldersgatechelmsford@verizon.net) and she can leave your box in a bin outside the church entrance for you to collect at your convenience. If you need envelopes and there is not one for you, please let Betsy know. There are blank boxes and you can write the number and your name on the clip board list so that Kelly can record you donations correctly.
Book Club News
Book club is meeting Tuesday Feb 28th !!! We will discuss “The Book of Lost Friends” by Lisa Wingate. (Judy’s pick). Let Deb know if you want to join by Zoom. On March 28, we will discuss “The Book of Two Ways” by Jodi Picoult. (Liz’s pick) On April 25 we will discuss “The Fallen Angels Book Club” by Franklin James. (Betsy’s pick). Hope you all can join us! Blessings, Deb
Local Pastor Candidates Visiting Aldersgate March 11
As Pastor Bob works as the Dean of Local Pastor Licensing School, we are privileged to host 8 candidates for ministry and 3 instructors to visit Aldersgate on March 11 for a day of preaching exercise. Our youth group will help to serve them lunch.
Confirmation Class
Do you have a child who will be 8th grade or up this fall? We are excited to share with you that we will have the confirmation class. We invite the parents and child for the class to meet with Cheryl Ortolf and Pastor Bob in the fellowship hall on March 12 after the second worship service. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please speak with Cheryl or Pastor Bob.
Next Blood Drive is March 25,2023
Thank you for all who donated blood on Saturday 2/25. If you were not able to book an appointment for this week, we have another date coming up in March. Saturday March 25th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm is our next Red Cross Blood Drive here at Aldersgate in the Fellowship Hall. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and search under March 25th to schedule an appointment. For more information call or email Cate Lehan or Robin Dye or the church office. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Church Wide Lenten Study
Explore the Psalms and their link to the New Testament and the life of Jesus in this wonderful guide. Over six weeks, discover with us: Jesus in Our Hard Places, Jesus as Our Shepherd, our Hope, Our Strength and Our Savior. You can order the book Finding Jesus in the Psalms by Barb Roose online. There are a few copies for purchase. You will find them in the lobby and are available for a suggested donation of $20. All are welcome!
Sunday mornings 9:45 in the Concord Room and on Zoom led by Adult Education members Tuesday mornings 10:00 on Zoom led by Charles McCrea Thursday mornings10:00 in the Concord Room and on Zoom led by Pastor Bob Jon
See more information on the study in the Advocate.
Early Bird
Early Bird Lenten study of Forgiveness continues this week with an examination of “Faith, The Door to Forgiveness.” Be a part of this discussion on the connection of faith to forgiveness. We will explore why it is necessary to look closely at our heart and the inner filters that often block us from accepting God’s forgiveness, forgiving ourselves and then others. It takes faith to avail ourselves of God’s forgiveness. Please read Psalm 31 and 139; Leviticus 1:4 and Romans 5:20-21. Plan to join this discussion on Tuesday morning at ten o’clock. Early Bird meets via Zoom. The link is in the email.
Easter Flowers
Please see the Easter Flower order form in the Advocate and also on the welcome desk. If you would like to provide flowers to beautify our Sanctuary in Memory of a loved one, please fill out the form. You will be able to take your flowers home to enjoy after the 10:45 service on Easter.e.