Today’s altar flowers are given by Soo Kim Rosch
in joyful and loving remembrance of Ray
Former Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
Our former bishop Sudarshana Devadhar died unexpectedly on July 18, 2023. As the first Indian American bishop, Bishop Devadhar was known for his compassion, passion for the youth and young adult ministries, deep spirituality, and work for Christian unity. Please keep his family in your prayers. We will notify you when we hear more about the memorial service.
Pulpit Exchange
Rev. Geisa Matos from West Chelmsford UMC will visit Aldersgate UMC and preach on July 30. Pastor Bob will preach at WCUMC.
Special Charge Conference on August 13 at 10:30
We have recently received a bequest from Nancy Goodick, which needs to be approved by the Special Charge Conference. We invite everyone to attend the meeting, as we will also share a report on the endowment activity, a tribute to Nancy, and other helpful information.
We welcome Pastor Greg Ciesluk to sing for us during his visit today. It is always good to have him join us and share his talent. In case you don’t know him, Greg grew up at Aldersgate and now is a United Methodist Pastor in Minnesota.
Our theme for VBS this summer is “Under Construction”. We will learn about Habitat for Humanity and the way God helps us to Share, Care, Learn, Worship, and Celebrate! Registration forms are on the welcome desk.Deadline for sign up is July 31st
August 14 – 18, 2023 from 9 a.m. – noon For children: 4 – 12 years old Cost to register: $20.00 per child, family max of $60.00
Off to Youth 2023!
We are off to Youth 2023 in Daytona Beach, Florida on July 24th – 28th! We have 17 people going from Aldersgate U.M.C. We are so grateful for all the ways you have supported our youth. A special thank you to an anonymous donor for their very generous gift.
We will gather with thousands of youth, young adults and older adults and learn about how we can be bold in our faith. We will worship together, attend special workshops, and do some mission work. We look forward to sharing with you our experiences at this national convention.
Save the date – We will host a pasta dinner and share a special presentation with you about our experiences at Youth 2023 on Saturday, September 16th from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Come join us – all are welcome!
Sign up now for the next Aldersgate Blood Drive
Saturday August 12th, from 9 am to 2pm
You can sign up to donate by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter “Aldersgate” to schedule a time.
Please see the signup sheet in the welcome area and consider signing up for a job or two helping to spruce up the church this summer. The jobs can be done on your time! If you don’t have a key, ask Betsy in the office to make arrangements to borrow one or when to come. Thank you! Samples of the tasks this year include cleaning pew cushions, weeding around the church building, and cleaning windows.
UMCOR request for help
Thank you to all who donated on Sunday July 16th, to the relief effort. If you have not had a chance to donate – The New England Conference is asking for churches to please donate to the relief effort for those churches who are affected by the flooding in Vermont – it is not too late. Checks can be made out to AUMC and in the message line please put UMCOR (Advance #901670).
Faire Workshops
A big thank you to Carmen Umana and Betty Champeaux as well Jane Vooys, Bonnie Marden, Sookim Rosch, who helped with the pics and bows for the Christmas Faire. We will be all ready to decorate the wreaths and swags in November/December. Watch for more info about what you can do to help.
Book Club in the Concord Room and on Zoom
On Tuesday July 25 at 7 pm, we will discuss “The Keeper of Lost Things”, (Deb Teal’s pick)
Let Deb know if you want to join by Zoom.
On August 29th is Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, (Melinda’s pick)
On September 26th is True Biz by Sara Novic, (Betsey’s pick)
On October 31 is The Measure by Nikki Erlick, (Judy’s pick)
Hope you all can join us! Blessings, Deb
Summertime Stewardship
It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through our year! There has been so much activity and hard work–by so many faithful servants at Aldersgate! As summer approaches please be sure to keep your church family in mind with your prayers and your pledges.
Please feel free to bring your 2023 pledged offerings when you join us on Sundays this summer at 9:30 a.m. You can also send them by mail or electronic bill-pay. Thank you for your faithful stewardship!
Donate Your Time and Talents
It takes many hands and we need your help in running the church! Over the summer we will be working to fill our slate of committees for the Fall and we wanted to extend an invitation for you to think about where God might be calling you to use your gifts. We ask that you send in your reply to the office by August 31st.
Committees Include:
Adult Education, Children’s Ministry Team, Finance and Stewardship, Membership & Congregational Events, Memorial Gifts, Outreach, Staff Parish Relations, Trustees, and Worship/Altar Guild. More informal groups include IT, Ushers and Recording.
Marcia Dana will be riding 84 miles from Wellesley to Bourne in the Pan Mass Challenge on August 5th. Her goal is to raise $18,000 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in recognition of her 18th year riding. To support her ride, you can send a check made out to “PMC” to Marcia at 6 Sterling Lane, Westford, MA 01886. Or go online to: https:/ 100% of every rider-raised dollar goes directly to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Lobby Window book display
The books in the lobby windows are available for you to borrow and return at your leisure. You will find books on prayer, books that discuss Christian LGBTQ+ folks and books on creating deeper community. We welcome you to spend some time this summer expanding your faith and understanding of God’s church.