Announcements 3/10/2024

Our Vision—
A beacon of God’s love radiating faith, hope, and joy… Everywhere!

Flowers on the Altar are given by Cruickshanks in loving memory of Lane Moore on what would have been his 77th birthday, March 12

Lenten Soup Suppers and Worship

Wednesday evening in-person soup suppers and worship led by one of our church family members will return this year, beginning on Feb 21st. The theme is “Giving It Up.” The suppers will be held at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the ~ 30-minute service in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm.

A big thank you to David Driscoll for his message on March 6th

The Worship leaders for the next 4 services are:

             March 13 – “Giving Up Control” – Peter Smyton; and

             March 20 – “Giving Up Superiority” – Christine Kelley

 If you want to help provide salad, bread, or dessert for one or more weeks, please contact Betsey Driscoll, ( We will also live-stream and record the service so people can watch it in real-time or later at home.

Please sign-up for the March 28th 2024 6pm Passover Meal.

Our annual Seder on Maundy Thursday this year will be a bit different.

This year we will experience what a Passover meal in Jesus’s time would be like activities going on in Jerusalem, symbolism of the time, and foods that would be served.

Signup sheets are in the front hallway. Let us know how many will attend and if you can help cook, serve or cleanup.

And don’t worry there will still be matzo ball soup! See you then.

Mike Kane

March April Upper Room are out on the Welcome Desk

Easter Flowers

If you wish to provide Flowers to enhance the beauty of our sanctuary during our Easter Services on March 31st, please complete a form from the welcome desk or the credenza near the greeters and send or bring it to the church with your check, or email the office by Monday, March 18th. You will be able to take yours home after 2nd service on Easter.

                        Pastel Tulips                           $14.00

            White Double-Stemmed Lily          $15.00

            Blue Hydrangea                                $15.00

 Please order as soon as possible to ensure your order can be fulfilled.

Memorial and Reception Meal for Chuck Piper

We got word from Jean Piper that Chuck passed away at Kennedy Meadows on Saturday morning January 20th.  His memorial will be held on March 16th at 11 am in our Sanctuary, with a reception in the Fellowship Hall at noon.  His burial will be sometime this summer in Maine.  Please check in with Betsey Driscoll to find out what you can help with.   Please pray for Jean and the rest of the Piper family as they prepare to celebrate Chuck’s life.

Here is the link for Chuck’s Obituary:

Flower Chart open dates

Thank you all for providing flowers for the Altar.  There are some open dates in the next few months – April 21st and 28th, June 2nd and 9th.  Please select any of these if you have special occasions to provide flowers.  Thank you, Betsy.

Coffee Hour Help Needed

Many thanks to all who have helped with coffee hour in the past 6 months.

There is a new sign-up sheet out in fellowship hall. Please sign-up for goodies, set up of coffee and cleanup. Many hands make light work!   From Deb Benson

Drivers Wanted!

We are compiling a list of people willing to drive people to church services that are unable to get to Aldersgate otherwise.  If you are willing to be on such a list, please let Betsy in the office know.  We will match you with people who are “on your way.”  If we have enough volunteers, it would not be an “every week” commitment.  Won’t you help us bring the unchurched into the fold?

Come to Our Outreach Ministry Fair - March 10th.

This Sunday during fellowship hour (930 -1030 am) come meet 3 of our Aldersgate Outreach Missions. You can see our mission dollars in action and how they provide much needed support in the local community. St Paul’s Feeding Ministry, Habitat for Humanity and Project Kompass will be here. I hope you enjoy this opportunity to explore our missions. Blessings, Outreach.

Come and Hear About Habitat for Humanity on March 10, during coffee hour

Habitat for Humanity will be here during coffee hour on March 10, 2024 (9:30-10:30 am). They will be staffing a table to provide us with ongoing progress of their important work.  In addition, they have their annual Gala scheduled for April 5, 2024.  At this event, one of the silent auction items will be the beautiful quilt made of handprints by all who attended the 2023 Habitat themed VBS.  They love the quilt and feel it will be one of the best items in the auction.  Thank you to everyone who had a part in this wonderful work.  If anyone wishes to attend the Gala the registration information is listed below.

Change for Change

Change for Change continues to contribute to others. In the fall, our youth selected the Alzheimer’s Association as a candidate. $400 has been collected by change and will be donated. Our Adult ED team has selected the Alternative House in Lowell as our next candidate. Change matters. God is Good.

From Kim – Chair of Adult Ed

“Adult Ed would like the next Change for Change designation to go to Alternative House

in Lowell, a domestic violence shelter.”

Poster describing Alternative House

Adult Study Opportunities

Adult Ed Sund

Each Sunday in March we will gather to explore the Wednesday Lenten Reflection topic together. This is a chance to share your thoughts and hear from each other. Get some coffee and join us in the Concord Room at 9:45!

Thursday Morning Bible Study- LENT

10:00 AM Thursdays, February 22 to March 21 join us for “Give Up Something Bad for Lent” by James W. Moore. Imagine giving up envy, jealousy, self-pity, apathy, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking. How would that change your life? Pick up this easy read and find encouragement and understanding from friends while we take on the challenge of walking this out.

Early Bird Bible Application

Early Bird continues with the Lenten theme “Were You There” with a look at God’s
redemptive love. This week will be an exploration of ‘The Chriminal on the Cross.’ Join us this Tuesday as we discuss Isaiah 43:1 and Luke 23:39-43. You are welcome in this space. Early Bird meets Tuesday morning at ten via Zoom,

Confirmation Class

Please keep the following students and their mentors in your prayers during their confirmation journey:

Sarah Antonitis – David Driscoll,        Kate Cruickshank – Betsey Driscoll,

Finn Hughes –Dan Ward,               Gabriel Rodriguez – Lee Pender.

Church Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10am-12pm. Betsy will be in the office on those days and available by phone at other times.

Reminder to schedule your appointment for the Blood Drive –

April 20 from 9-2

Please sign up if you can help this important cause.  There continues to be a national shortage!

Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and search under April 20th to schedule an appointment.

For more information call or email Cate Lehan or Robin Dye or the church office.

Blessings, Outreach.

Children and Youth Singing and Chime Time Schedule

This spring, we will be meeting on the following days:

Sundays, March 10th & 17th from noon – 1:00 p.m.  We will have pizza from noon – 12:30 p.m. and practice chimes from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 9th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. We will have supper together and then meet for music. 

Ice Cream and Sully’s – Monday, April 15th at 2:00 p.m. – Families are welcome to join us at Sully’s for ice cream and fellowship.

Tuesdays, May 7th & 14th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.  We will have supper together and then practice chimes.


Sunday, March 24th

After both services

The youth will be selling homemade chocolate in the hall area

after both worship services.

This is a fundraiser for their mission trip to Camp Wanakee in New Hampshire.

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30th

10:00 am – 11:30 am 

Join us for fun crafts, an Easter Egg Hunt and

a special movie – bring your friends!



7:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Easter Services: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.

No Church School

Breakfast menu: Egg Benedict, French Toast, Hash Browns, Fruit selection, Bacon/sausage, Baked Goods, Yogurt Parfait, Cold cereal

Vegan/Gluten Free Breakfast Menu: Breakfast Casserole, Sausage and Fruited Coffee Cake