Announcements 10/29/2023

Today’s altar flowers are given Chris Sargent In loving remembrance of Ginny Sargent.

Annual Church Conference, Wednesday, November 15 at 7pm

Save the date!  Our annual Church Conference will be in-person on Wednesday, November 15, at 7pm in the Sanctuary.  Rev Jin-Yong Choi from the North Boston Korean UMC in Andover, MA will be leading us in holy conferencing in the Sanctuary at 7pm. If you are interested in attending remotely, please notify the church office and a Zoom link will be sent to you.

Request for All Saints Names

On Sunday, November 5th, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday.  Our Worship will include the reading of names of those who have died in the past year, who have gone on to join the “Saints Triumphant”. 

If you would like the name of a loved one read on that day, please fill out a form on the welcome desk or email the church office or call (978-256-9400) and leave a message on the office phone, by October 31st  Please include as a subject “All Saints” on your email.  And also include your name and the loved one’s name as well as spell it if by phone. 

Stewardship Campaign 2024 - “Building Tomorrow, Together”

Thank you to all those who prayerfully considered their family’s generosity plan for supporting our 2024 ministries and submitted their pledge cards.  Because of your faithful giving, the Finance Committee and Ministry Leaders will be working together to reconcile our 2024 Budget as we prepare for our year ahead.  Thank you again for your prayers surrounding this process and for joining us in “Building Tomorrow, Together”!  It is still not too late to send in your pledge for next year by mailing it to the church office, dropping it in the mail slot at the ramp entrance to the church or emailing Financial Secretary Kelly Mongiovi at advising her of your pledge for 2024.  Please return your pledge card or email the information to Kelly

by November 12th since our budget reconciliation meeting is the following week.

Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday morning, November 5th when Daylight Saving Time ends.

Small Group Inclusivity Discussions Today

The Aldersgate Church Council is offering an opportunity today for dialog and sharing of stories and perspectives as we seek to discern how we as a church family can be more inclusive to all regardless of age, race, nationality, ethnic background, gender, sexuality, ability, and physical appearance.  If you are interested, please meet in the Fellowship Hall, between the services or right after the second service; we will then divide up into several small groups and move into breakout rooms, each with a facilitator to help the discussions along, to talk about inclusion and sexuality.  Our intent is to respectfully share and learn from one another while enriching our relationships with each other.  We expect the discussions to last about one hour. 


A Statement of Inclusivity, consistent with the beliefs of our denomination and its Book of Discipline, created by the Council and posted on the church web site in the Who We Are page, is below. 

All Are Welcome at Aldersgate

As a United Methodist congregation, we affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God.  We affirm that we are an open, welcoming, fully accepting congregation supportive of all, regardless of age, race, nationality, ethnic background, gender, sexuality, ability, and physical appearance.  In agreement with our New England Conference Open Spirit Task Force, we are committed to safeguarding the sacred worth and dignity of all persons in our churches and communities, including those who identify as LGBTQI+ persons. 
We are a church that supports every individual’s full participation in the life, ministry, sacraments, membership, and leadership of the church at any level.  We celebrate the blessings of gender and cultural diversity in our pastors and leadership team.

Hats, Gloves, Mittens, Socks, and Toiletries for St. Paul’s

Please see the signup sheet in the welcome area and consider signing up for a job or two helping to spruce up the church this summer.  The jobs can be done on your time!  If you don’t have a key, ask Betsy in the office to make arrangements to borrow one or when to come.  Thank you!   Samples of the tasks this year include cleaning pew cushions, weeding around the church building, and cleaning windows.

Outreach – Request for Help

Outreach will be collecting items for St. Paul’s by the 17th of December.  Please bring in hats, gloves, mittens, socks, and mittens as well as toiletries.  There is a box in the welcome area.

Blood Drive, Friday November 10th from 9:00 am to 2 pm

Please consider donating blood during this time of such a critical shortage of blood.

Our next drive will be on Friday November 10th, from 9 am to 2 pm.  Please sign up at or call 1-800-RedCross to register.  THANK YOU! 

Fall Adult Study Continues

There will be no Adult Study today. Please join an Inclusion Conversation taking place between or after the second service.  

The Thursday Bible Study will meet at 10:00 in the Concord Room. This week’s topic is TBD. Come and join the conversation! 

Early Bird Bible Application

Early Bird continues to discuss the “Fundamentals of the Faith – The Church: Fellowship and Worship.” 

This past week was an exploration of the fellowship between the believer and unbeliever and how their interest differ. The believer’s desire is to honor God and to bring Him glory through all that they do. This week’s focus will be on ministering to others within the church. Particular interest will be given to the one another in Scripture.
Join in the discussion on Tuesday morning at ten o’clock when Early Bird meets via Zoom.

Upper Room Nov/Dec is available on the welcome desk. There is a slot in the desk top if you would like to make a donation.

Change for Change

Your change helps others. The newest Change for Change candidate is the Alzheimer’s Association. Alzheimer’s Association was selected by our youth. So when you hear the clinking in the offering know it is helping this worthy cause

Still Time to Get Involved with Church Ministries

Thanks to everyone who attended the October 15 Ministry Fair, which featured over 20 small groups and church committees displaying info about their activities.  If you missed it or you attended and are still mulling over if or how to get involved, it is never too late!  Please contact Betsy in the office or Peter Smyton and one of us will connect you with the right people so you can learn more about the church ministries of interest to you!

If you would like to work at the Faire please contact Peter Smyton.  If you would like to help Greet, Lay Read, Acolyte, Serve Communion, Usher, or Count offering, please let Betsy know.  It would help to know your Name, what you would like to do, which service or both and your email and phone.

Join us for a FUN, family Halloween Party today!

Sunday, October 29th

3:00 pm -4:00 pm

Aldersgate U.M.C.

Games, Crafts, Snacks

and Trick or Treating

Bring your friends and neighbors!

Food Collection for Thanksgiving Baskets by Church School Families Bring in items by November 12th

The church school will once again help our Outreach committee by supplying items needed for the Thanksgiving Baskets. 

Please bring in the following items and place in the brown box located downstairs in the church school area:

PreK – 2nd Grade Class – Cranberry Sauce or Canned Green Beans

3rd-5th Grade Class – Large Can of Fruit Cocktail

6th –7th Grade Class – Apple Juice (plastic container)

8th – 12th Grade Class – Regular Rice (no instant rice)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner

Aldersgate is once again providing Thanksgiving baskets for 50 families in the Chelmsford/Lowell area. If you would like to help support here are a few ways:

  1. Sign up to bring a frozen turkey on Nov 19. Sign-ups are in the front entrance way. 
  2. Donate $ in the turkey box. Again in the front entrance.
  3. Sunday school children can donate dry goods and canned goods.

Gobble, Gobble and Thank You!

Christmas Faire and Festival is Coming!

It’s hard to believe our annual Christmas Faire and Festival is less than a month away, on Dec 1, 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm and Dec 2, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.  We are thrilled that this year we return will to an all in-person event!  Please share your plans for donations or volunteering to staff a table on the sign-up sheets in the Welcome Area.  Contact Bonnie Marden at or 978-846-1260 if you have questions.