January 8, 2023 Announcements

Our Vision—A beacon of God’s love radiating faith, hope and joy… Everywhere!


From Pastor Bob

Podcast & Blog – Pastor Bob uploads his audio sermon weekly on his podcast. You can search for “Podcasting from Rev. Bob Jon” on Podcasts on iPhone or Spotify. He also writes on his personal blog called “rainofgrace.net.” 

Pastor Bob’s away this week

Pastor Bob is away from today till this Friday to lead a retreat for Local Pastor Licensing School at Rolling Ridge. If you need to contact him for an emergency, please call the office to get in touch.  


Please join us today in our Special Epiphany Giving on “Kings’Sunday”

This year we are supporting Dig Deep, a human rights nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that every American has clean, running water forever. We invite you to come forward to put your gift in the buckets during the offertory or mail it to the church office if you are worshipping remotely. Please Mark them Dig Deep.  Thank you for your generous giving.


Help needed after church Sunday Jan 8th.

We will be undecorating the Sanctuary on Sunday after the 10:45 service.  There is lots to put away for another year. Thank you in advance for your help. Many hands make light work.


2023 Flower Chart

The new Flower Chart for 2023 is up on the wall in the hallway.  Please sign up for flowers throughout the year. Please fill in your dates on the chart or let Betsy know.  There has been a raise in price from $25 to $40 starting on January 1, 2023.  It would be great to get the dates for January filled in.  They are 8, 15, 22, and 29. The size of the arrangements will also be larger as they have been since November 1st.

Pledge Envelopes

Pledge envelopes have not yet arrived.  We are hoping for the end of January! 

Until then you can either put your check or cash in a pew envelope with your name and your present envelope number or just drop your check in the offering plate.  Or you can use any leftover 2022 envelopes until they come in.


Adult Studies -Beginning Today January 8

Today at 9:45, the Sunday morning Adult class will begin the study of “Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice” by Susan Robb. Grab a book at your local book seller or order it online. There is always a seat for you with us in the Concord Room between the services.

Early Bird Bible Study

Early Bird reconvenes this week. The writer on a meditation asked the question, “Am I modeling God’s grace and love?” What a wonderful question as we begin the new year. Over the next several weeks Early Bird will explore various aspects of ‘Living the Christian Life,’ This week’s discussion of the theme will be “What is a Christian?” Read Acts:11:26 and come prepared to share your thoughts on being a Christian.

Topics in future weeks will include ‘Compassion without Compromise,’ ‘Worship and Community,’ and ‘I am a Light.’ Join for any or all of these discussions. Early Bird meets on Tuesdays at ten o’clock via Zoom. See the worship email for the Zoom link. 


Adult Studies – Beginning January 5

The Thursday Morning class’ will continue their study of “Signs and Wonders: A Beginners Guide to the Miracles of Jesus” by Prof. Amy-Jill Levine. We’d love for you to join us Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Concord Room and on Zoom. 


Covid Protocols The conditions in our community due to the various viruses are changing rapidly!  The Discernment Team continues to monitor the CDC and our denomination, as well as best practices in our community, weekly, to understand the protocols we need to apply to allow us to worship safely.  Due to the rising number of flu and COVID cases in the area, it isstrongly recommended that you wear a mask while in the building.  Please continue to watch for announcements as we adapt our guidance to help keep the church family safe

Use this link to download a pdf file with all the news:  Announcements January 8, 2023