TYPES OF SUBS – Italian, Turkey, Falafel & Vegetarian
Gluten Free rolls are available too
Each sub comes with chips & soda
The Senior Youth group will be taking orders on the following Sundays:
January 22nd & 29th, February 5th
Place your orders in the basket located in the hallway
or e-mail your order to: aumc-education@verizon.net
Pick-up: February 12th (after each service)
We encourage everyone to wear their favorite sport team jersey shirt to church on Super Bowl Sunday!
Garden Club Meeting
The garden club will be meeting today (Jan 29) right after the second service in the Concord Room. We’ll discuss plans for the upcoming season. Please drop in if you have any suggestions for the garden or if you’d like to get involved. All are welcome!
A Big Thank you for Dig Deep Donations
Today, January 29th, is the last day to donate to “Dig Deep” You can put them in the offering plate, or drop them in the mail slot today. Checks may be made payable to AUMC with “Dig Deep” in the memo line.
Thank you all for the gifts. So far the total is $9,400.
Reminder to schedule your appointment for the Blood Drive 2/25
Please sign up if you can to help this important cause. There continues to be a national shortage!
Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and search under February 25th to schedule an appointment. For more information call or email Cate Lehan or Robin Dye or the church office.
Adult Studies
The Sunday morning Adult class’s study is “Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice” by Susan Robb. There is always a seat for you in the Concord Room between the services at 9:45. Come join us to watch a short video and discuss the stories of Jonah, Samuel, Moses, Mary and Esther and John.
The Thursday morning 10 am class continues their study of “Signs and Wonders: A Beginners Guide to the Miracles of Jesus” by Prof. Amy-Jill Levine. We’d love for you to join us in the Concord Room and on Zoom as we discuss what we can learn together of Jesus’s miraculous works of healing, stilling the storm, walking on water and raising the dead.
A copy of the books Adult Education classes are currently studying are available to you in the library located in the basement.
Early Bird Bible Study
Early Bird will not meet this week. The exploration of ‘The Christian Life’ will resume on Tuesday 7 February
Book Club in the Concord Room and on Zoom
Book club is meeting January 31, 2023!!! We will discuss “The Nature of Fragile Things” by Susan Meissner (Deb’s pick). Let Deb know if you want to join by Zoom.
On February 28, we will discuss “The Book of Lost Friends” by Lisa Wingate. (Judy’s pick).
On March 28, we will discuss “The Book of Two Ways” by Jodi Picoult. (Liz’s pick)
On April 25 we will discuss “The Fallen Angels Book Club” by Franklin James. (Betsy’s pick).
Hope you all can join us.
Blessings, Deb
2023 Flower Chart
The Flower Chart for 2023 is up on the wall in the hallway. Please sign up for flowers throughout the year. Please fill in your dates on the chart or let Betsy know. There has been a raise in price from $25 to $40. February 12th, 19th, and 26th are open.
Lost and Found
If you lost gold link necklace, it was found on Christmas eve.
We also found a warm a hat in the Sanctuary after Joanne’s Memorial
Both are in the office – Check with Betsy
Covid Protocols
The conditions in our community due to the various viruses are changing rapidly! The Discernment Team continues to monitor the CDC and our denomination, as well as best practices in our community, weekly, to understand the protocols we need to apply to allow us to worship safely. Due to the rising number of flu and COVID cases in the area, it isstrongly recommended that you wear a mask while in the building. Please continue to watch for announcements as we adapt our guidance to help keep the church family safe and healthy.