January 15, 2023 Announcements

Dig Deep

On Sunday January 8th we brought forward our gifts for Dig Deep. If you were not able to be at church, it is not too late to support our advent project. Dig Deep is a human rights nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that every American has clean, running water forever. We invite you to place your donation in the offering plate over the next several weeks or mail it to the church office. Please write “Dig Deep” in the memo of the check. Thank you for your generous giving.

With sadness

On Tuesday January 17th at 11:00 am, you are invited to a Memorial Service celebrating the life of Joanne Snook. There will also be a collation afterward in the Fellowship Hall. Please call Betsey Driscoll if you can help with food or serving. The church family is welcome to attend.

Super Bowl Sub Sale!

Italian, Turkey, Falafel & Vegetarian

Gluten Free rolls are available too

Each sub comes with chips & soda

The Senior Youth group will be taking orders on the following Sundays: January 22nd & 29th, February 5th

Place your orders in the basket located in the hallway

email your order to:
aumc education@verizon.net

Pick-up: February 12th (after each service)


Adult Studies -Continue

The Sunday morning Adult class’s study is
“Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice”
by Susan Robb. There is always a seat for you in the Concord Room between the services at 9:45.
Come join us to watch a short video and discuss the stories of Jonah, Samuel, Moses, Mary and Esther and John


The Thursday morning 10 am class continues with “Signs and Wonders: A Beginners Guide to the Miracles of Jesus” by Prof. Amy-Jill Levine. We’d love for you to join us in the Concord Room and on Zoom as we discuss what we can learn together of Jesus’s miraculous works of healing, stilling the storm, walking on water and raising the dead.

Aldersgate Prayer Ministry

At Aldersgate, we believe strongly in the power of Prayer. We are privileged to pray for your loved ones. Their names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. If you would like to extend the time, please notify the Church Office at 978-256-9400 or email at aldersgatechelmsford@verizon.net

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Weekly on Monday at 1:00pm in the Concord Room.
Knitting, crochet and quilters; Beginners to experts welcome for fellowship.

Contact the office manager (aldersgatechelmsford@verizon.net) to join by Zoom

Blood Drive

A reminder to schedule your appointment for the Blood Drive 2/25 Please sign up if you can to help this important cause. There continues to be a national shortage! Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and search under February 25th to schedule an appointment. For more information call or email Cate Lehan or Robin Dye or the church office.

Click on the heading at the top of the post for a complete pdf file as distributed at Church.