Announcements March 26, 2023

March 26, 2023 Announcements

The flowers are given this morning in memory of Rev James Hughes from Matt Hughes and family

Troop 81 Hosting Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast April 2nd

Troop 81 BSA invites you to a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, April 2nd from 8am-11am. We will be serving pancakes, butter/syrup, fruit, coffee, tea, and juice for a suggested donation of $10 per person, $8 for senior citizens/kids under 5.

For many years the troop hosted a breakfast at the senior center as a key fundraiser, and due to COVID we have been unable to have this event for the last several years. We are so happy to bring the tradition back and have it at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church so that we can join in fellowship with the congregation that has provided so much support for us. Fundraising events like this help fund our scouting activities and our scouting equipment like our trailer, camping kitchens, Klondike derby sleds just to name a few. 

Our Lenten Journey Continues

Our Wednesday evening in-person soup suppers and worship concludes this Wednesday, March 29.  The supper will be held at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the 30- minute service in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm.  Thank you to those of you who have told Betsey you will provide soup for our suppers!  The worship theme this year is “Forgiveness.”  Thanks to Marcia Dana for leading worship last Wednesday!  We are looking forward to Charles McCrea leading this Wednesday.  The service will be live-streamed and recorded.

Single Ladies Dining Out

Singles Ladies Dining Out will have lunch on April 1st at 1 pm at The Establishment, 75 Princeton Street N. Chelmsford, MA.

If you are a single lady and would enjoy a lunch out and lots of fun conversation, we would love to have you join us.  Please RSVP by Thursday March 30th to Betsy Campbell 978-256-9400 or by email to

Easter Flowers last day to order is March 27

Please get your Easter Flower order in soon so that we can order them before they run out.  If you would like to provide flowers to beautify our Sanctuary in Memory of a loved one, please fill out the form by March 27th and include your check made out to AUMC and with “Easter Flowers” in the memo. You will be able to take your flowers home to enjoy after the 10:45 service on Easter.

Opportunities During Holy Week

April 2 PALM / PASSION SUNDAY – Worship at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Communion at 8:30.   Troop 81-sponsored pancake breakfast, 8:00 – 11:00 am.  Chocolate sale by our Youth Group in the hall after each service. 

April 6 HOLY THURSDAY Seder Meal at 6:00 p.m. and Evening worship at 7:30 p.m. Join us for the Aldersgate take on a traditional Jewish Seder experience with ceremony and food. To attend and/or help cook, sign up on the welcome desk or notify Betsy in the church office, by Saturday, April 1. Mike Kane will provide recipes for these simple, traditional dishes.  If you have questions, you can email him at or call 978-590-0556. A service of Holy Communion will follow at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.  It will be live-streamed and a recording of the service will be posted on the church web site.

April 7 GOOD FRIDAY – Quite prayer time from 8:30pm-10:00pm after the Maundy Thursday Service and from 7:00am to 6:30pm on Good Friday with a prayer service afterward at 6:30 pm. Sign up on the list in the welcome area for a time if you would like or come and pray when you would like.  Sanctuary will be open for prayer. Soft music will be played by Jane Vooys from 12:00pm – 3:00 pm.

April 8 EASTER EGG HUNT – Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Friends are welcome! (Indoors if necessary!) Join in for a morning of fun including crafts, a movie about the First Easter and a fabulous egg hunt!

April 9 EASTER SUNDAY – 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall with worship at 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.  There will be no church school for children and adults. There will be communion at both services.

Rummage Sale May 5th and 6th

Our annual Rummage Sale will be on May 5th and 6th.  Please start saving your rummage items and add this to your calendar.  We will also need your help setting up and working the sale.  Watch for more information coming soon

The 35th Massachusetts Spring Ring

The 35th Massachusetts Spring Ring is almost here!  We are excited to have seven of our ringers joining the massed performances this year.

When:  Saturday, April 22, 2023                            

Concert Time:   3:00 PM-4:30 PM


Tewksbury Memorial High School
320 Pleasant Street
Tewksbury, MA

The concert is open to the public and offers a wonderful opportunity for you to come and see the beauty and excitement of handbell ringing, and to support our own ringers!  You will get to hear some of the pieces we are performing at church this season, but with many more bells!  Looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Spring Ring!

Our Adult Lenten Study continues

Explore the Psalms and their link to the New Testament and the life of Jesus in this wonderful guide. Over six weeks, discover with us: Jesus in Our Hard Places, Jesus as Our Shepherd, our Hope, Our Strength and Our Savior. You can order the book Finding Jesus in the Psalms by Barb Roose online.

Join us this morning, at 9:45 in the Concord Room and on Zoom led by Adult Education members. 

Or join the Thursday morning 10:00 am group in the Concord Room and on Zoom led by Pastor Bob Jon. All are welcome!

Early Bird

Early bird will reconvene the discussion of Forgiveness. The topic this week will be Forgiveness: Family Feud (Part 3) – Deceiving the Deceiver. The story of Jacob and Esau can be found in Genesis 25-33. We will explore the struggles between these brothers that began in their mother’s womb and extended into adulthood. It is a story replete with trickery, deceit, favoritism and finally reconciliation and forgiveness. Plan to join the discussion as we learn more of what is required to forgive and be reconciled. 

Early Bird meets Tuesday morning at ten o’clock via Zoom.