A Celebration of Life Service will take place on Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 11:00 am at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 242 Boston Rd., Chelmsford. Casual attire is welcomed. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Stanley’s memory to Kennedy Disease Association, P.O. Box 1105, Coarsegold, CA 93614-1105 or to the charity of your choice.
After the service there will be a time of refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. The Marson family invites you to join them.
Single Ladies Dining Out
Singles Ladies Dining Out will have lunch on May 15th at 1 pm at Nobo, 18 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, MA.
If you are a single lady and would enjoy a lunch out and lots of fun conversation, we would love to have you join us. Please RSVP by Thursday May 13th to Betsy Campbell 978-256-9400 or by email to aldersgatechelmsford@verizon.net.
Altar Flowers
There are some open dates on the flower chart- April 30th and June 11th. Vases can be returned to the church so that they can be brought back to our florist. Thank you all for beautifying the Sanctuary for our services
Chocolate Sale - Thank you!
The youth are so grateful for all the people that supported their chocolate sale on Palm Sunday! All of the proceeds will go towards their big trip to Youth 2023 in Florida this summer. Thank you for your continued support, care, and prayers!
Worship Arts
Join us on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. in the church school area downstairs. This program is for children ages 4 through 6th grade, friends are always welcome! Cheryl will be leading the art time and Maylis de la Fe will be leading the music time. Please see Cheryl or Maylis if you have any questions. We hope to see you on Tuesday!
Rummage Sale May 5th and 6th
Our annual Rummage Sale will be on May 5th and 6th. Please start saving your rummage items and add this to your calendar. We will also need your help setting up and working the sale. Watch for more information coming soon
Youth 2023
Every four years, thousands of youth from throughout The United Methodist Church come together for an amazing event hosted by Discipleship Ministries which includes discipleship, worship, fun and fellowship. Our youth from Aldersgate UMC have attended this event since 2003. Youth 2023 will be in Daytona Beach, Florida from July 25th – 28th and we are excited to have 12 youth and 5 adults attend! The theme for this event is “Being ourselves, BOLD, Living different”. This is a life changing experience and we are so grateful for the support of our church family. We will continue to share news with you as we prepare for Youth 2023!
Early Bird
Early Bird will conclude this study on Forgiveness. It has been quite the journey from the struggling of Jacob and Esau in the womb, family trickery and deceit and concluding with forgiveness and reconciliation. On Tuesday there will be a sharing of individual reflections in a session themed: Practical Lessons. Whether you have participated in previous sessions or not, we have all had experiences forgiving and seeking reconciliation. Join in the discussion on Tuesday at ten o’clock via Zoom.
Reflect, Release and Receive
The 35th Massachusetts Spring Ring
The 35th Massachusetts Spring Ring is almost here! We are excited to have seven of our ringers joining the massed performances this year.
When: Saturday, April 22, 2023 Concert Time: 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
The concert is open to the public and offers a wonderful opportunity for you to come and see the beauty and excitement of handbell ringing, and to support our own ringers! You will get to hear some of the pieces we are performing at church this season, but with many more bells! Looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Spring Ring!
Habitat for Humanity Sunday on April 30
We invite you to join us on April 30 as we will celebrate Habitat for Humanity Sunday. We will be joined by some representatives from the organization who will speak about their work during our worship services and offer some information at a table in the fellowship hal
Thursday Morning Class
Join us April 13 at 10AM in the Concord Room to discuss a topic of Pastor Bob’s choosing. This a great time to pop in and check out what the class is like. We’d love to have you!
There will be no class April 20. Our next long term study will run from April 27 to May 25. Our topic is TBD. Stay tuned for the reveal!
Sunday Mornings Beginning April 16
“What does Jesus want to know about us?
Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Why are you terrified? What do you live for? Who do you say that I am? In Questions Jesus Asked, author Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves. Asking these questions takes courage. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. We all have questions for God, but growth happens when we turn things around and ask what Jesus wants to know about us. When we dare to raise them, these questions bring us a fuller appreciation for the wisdom, power, and presence of God in our lives. Are you willing to step out in faith? Are you ready to answer the questions Jesus asked?”
Join the Adult Class, held in the Concord Room at 9:45 on Sunday mornings to discuss these questions and discover more about ourselves, God’s role in our lives and those we are in community with. All are WELCOME! Class starts April 16. Books can be ordered online but are not necessary to take part in the class.