Announcements 4/30/2023
April 30, 2023 Announcements
The flowers on the altar are given by Dan and Jane Vooys in celebration of their granddaughter Katie’s birthday
Habitat for Humanity on Sunday April 30
We invite you to join us today April 30 as we will celebrate Habitat for Humanity Sunday. We will be joined by some representatives from the organization who will speak about their work during our worship services and offer some information at a table in the fellowship hall.
As part of the Habitat for Humanity visit on April 30th, we are reviving a very popular activity, ‘Buy a Board’. There will be actual boards in the Fellowship Hall which will be used in an upcoming or ongoing Habitat project. For a $20 donation a person or family can sign a board and add a message if we wish and it will be installed as a permanent part of a current project. This is a wonderful chance to be a very important part of supporting a vital Habitat for Humanity project. Cash or checks accepted.
Rummage Sale May 5th and 6th
Our annual Rummage Sale will be on Friday May 5 from 3pm to 8pm and Saturday May 6 from 9am to 12pm. We will also need your help setting up and working the sale. There are sign-up sheets in the foyer for set up, working at the rummage sale and most important, clean up. Items can be dropped at church starting today, April 30th after second service. Please no electronics and no large furniture.
Garden News
It’s spring, and you may have noticed the Garden Club has planted new flowering bushes along the sanctuary’s south side. It’s not too late to join us for more planting in the garden. We meet as weather permits so get on our mailing list by contacting Lee Williams <>.
Updated Church Directory Contact Info
There have been a bunch of changes in our church family since our church directory was published in 2019! If you want any updated contact information – new addresses, phone number, and/or email addresses – please contact Betsy in the office.
Reserve June 9, 2023, for Rev Maylis’ Ordination Ceremony (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
Reserve the evening of June 9, 2023. Rev Maylis will be ordained a Deacon in the United Methodist Church at a ceremony conducted by Bishop Peggy Johnson during Annual Conference at the DoubleTree Hotel in Manchester NH. We need to be represented at that ceremony in support of Rev Maylis.
We can set up car pools for those wishing to attend that session that is usually at 7 PM on Friday evening. We should plan on being at the Double Tree a bit early as Maylis says it can get a bit crazy during that time. As we get closer to the date, we will have more information. There may also be a streaming of the service and as we learn about that, we will provide that detail.
At a subsequent worship service at Aldersgate, we will be presenting Rev Maylis with a Jordan River stole in honor and recognition of this important milestone in Rev Maylis’ journey with Christ. If you want to make a small donation for the purchase of that stole, make your checks payable to Aldersgate UMC but mark it with “Stole” in the notes section of your check. We don’t need that much, only a couple hundred dollars, so anything left over will be donated to the United Methodist Youth 2023 trip they will be taking.
Violet Hopkins Memorial Library
Are you missing browsing the books in the lobby? Need to return a book you borrowed? All the materials that were in the lobby have been relocated to the main library downstairs. You can find fiction titles in the Concord Room rack. Parenting help, prayer books, devotionals, comfy chairs, tea and so much more are waiting for you in the Violet Hopkins Memorial Library downstairs. You are welcome to explore or reflect there anytime.
FOR CHILDREN AGES 4 – 12 AUGUST 14th – 18th from 9 – noon
Our theme for VBS this summer is “Under Construction”. We will learn about Habitat for Humanity and the way God helps us to Share, Care, Learn, Worship, and Celebrate!
Registration forms are on the welcome desk and the welcome table in the Sunday School area.
Early Bird Bible Study
Early Bird will explore the topic, “Hush, Hush. Somebody’s Calling My Name.” We are often challenged to discern the voice of God. The Scriptures are replete with instances of God speaking to individuals. We just discussed Paul’s journey and how God spoke to him along the Damascus Road, in Jerusalem and while at sea. Join in this week’s class as we explore how we might discern the voice of God speaking to us. Select your favorite passage where God speaks to someone and come share and discuss it on Tuesday morning at ten o’clock. Early Bird meets via Zoom
Sunday Morning Class Discusses “Questions Jesus Asked”
What does Jesus want to know about us?
Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Why are you terrified? What do you live for? Who do you say that I am? In “Questions Jesus Asked”, author Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves. Asking these questions takes courage. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. We all have questions for God, but growth happens when we turn things around and ask what Jesus wants to know about us. When we dare to raise them, these questions bring us a fuller appreciation for the wisdom, power, and presence of God in our lives. Are you willing to step out in faith? Are you ready to answer the questions Jesus asked?”
Join the Adult Class, held in the Concord Room at 9:45 on Sunday mornings to discuss these questions and discover more about ourselves, God’s role in our lives and those we are in community with. All are WELCOME! Books can be ordered online, but are not necessary to take part in the class.
Thursday Morning Class
Thursday Morning Class will continue the study of “Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit” by Prof. Matthew L. Skinner. Come to the Concord Room at 10:00 am for discussion and discovery. We saved a seat just for you!
“The Acts of the Apostles is a unique and crucial book that chronicles the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world through the lives of the apostles in the decades immediately following Christ’s ascension into heaven.”
Children’s Sunday - May 21st!
Our church school classes will be participating and leading worship this Sunday as we celebrate the ascension of Jesus.
Our theme will be “Watching and Waiting!”
When have you felt close to Jesus and where would you like God to breathe His love into?
This will be our last church school class time until the fall!
All donations will go towards our youth attending the national United Methodist youth conference in Daytona Beach, Florida in July. Thank you for your support!
Parishioners' Art Wall
The pieces on the lobby wall are on loan from our Church Family Members. This week features a piece from Charlotte Bair. The two frogs done by Vicky Vooys, are on loan from the Ward family.
Items will be displayed for short time and then will be rotated out. We invite you to share your photography, drawings, paintings, mosaic, or fabric arts that are meaningful to you and welcoming to all.
Please notify Betsy in the office at 978-256-9400 or if you would like to share your talent with the congregation for a while.